The inner condition of our group of 4

Common ground


As SPT advanced practitioners we :

  1. all cultivate a contemplative practice.
  2. are trained in Social Presencing Theater.
  3. 3 of us trained together for several years.
  4. trained directly with the founder of SPT, Arawana Hayashi.
  5. are deeply connected to her as a teacher and a person, and finely attuned to her approach that combines the contemplative, the embodied and the aesthetic aspects of human life.
  6. all know and use the Theory U model.


Shared ontological principles and trained/applied SPT capacities

  1. Social Field: when we enter a group, a conversation, a process, we are all aware of the relational quality at work between the parts and within the whole, and how each of us, and the space itself, constantly bring forth and shape this relational field by the quality of our attention and presence.
  2. Felt Sense: We are all trained to tap into our felt sense, or into the feeling quality of a group, a situation, a place.
  3. Basic Goodness: the premise of our work and at the core of the human We all do our utmost to work with and relate to life and living beings from a root principle of Basic Goodness
  4. Sense of Ma
  5. 360° awareness
  6. Staying with